Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Strange Good Fortune

I've been in Korea for a little over a week now. Came here to make sure that everything was all set for Production before the crew arrives, which is in a few hours time! I'm so excited to see Jason, AJ, Matt and John all here in Korea, and Larkin will be joining us soon in two weeks.

Two days ago I so randomly met one of Korea's most famous cinematographers, Sung Jong Moo who works with Kim Ki Duk, and most recently shot "Time" and "Breath". With him was another Cinematographer and an Executive Producer. I ended up having dinner and mak gul lee (Korean rice wine) with them for four hours. It was quite an unbelievable experience. They told me that if I ever needed any help with the documentary to give them a call. I hope they meant that, because I will be calling them!!

The chances of meeting Jason's birth mother is very good, which is so amazing for Jason and the documentary. He recently received a second letter and even photos of his birth mom and sister. I haven't seen the photos yet, and I can not wait to see the resemblence between them!!

Love in ThirdCat


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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André Benjamim

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